Saint James Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities

Saint James Disability Inclusion Committee

People with disabilities, their families, friends, and circles of support are valued members of our Parish family. Saint James is committed to ensuring the meaningful participation and full inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of our Church community.

The Disability Inclusion Committee is conducting an online survey through March 17, 2025, of parishioners to learn more about the needs of people with disabilities and their families/caregivers in our parish. We will use the information we receive to establish or expand programs and accommodations to support them.

To learn more about our Disability Inclusion Committee and how you can get involved, click here.

Access to the Mass

  • HEARING ASSISTIVE DEVICES are available in the main vestibule of the church. Please ask an usher.
  • WHEELCHAIR PEW CUTOUTS are located on the front pews of the main aisle and on the righthand side of the transept which is entered from Park Avenue.
  • ADA ACCESSIBLE PUBLIC RESTROOMS are located to the left and right of the main vestibule.
  • A RAMP TO THE MAIN CHURCH ENTRANCE on Spring Street begins off the driveway between the convent and the church.
  • HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES are located in the driveway between the convent and the church, and in the parking lot across Spring Street from the church, near the parking lot entrance/exit onto Spring Street. In addition, parking is permitted on Spring Street in front of the church entrance.
  • HOMEBOUND PARISHIONERS can view our Sunday livestream Masses as well as the 8:15am Mass on Holy Days of Obligation.

Access to the Sacraments

  1. ASSISTANCE RECEIVING COMMUNION – let an usher know before Mass, and he/she will direct a priest to come to you for communion.
  2. COMMUNION IN THE HOME can be requested by calling the Rectory Office at 703- 532-8815.
  3. CONFESSION FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT USE THE CONFESSIONALS can be requested by calling the Rectory Office at 703-532-8815.

Access to Education and Faith Formation

SAINT JAMES SCHOOL provides support for children with intellectual disabilities. Contact Sister Kathryn Teresa Clemmer, IHM, principal of Saint James School.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION – The parish offers a Special Religious Development for children with disabilities (SPRED), age 5-18, who have not yet received the sacraments. Contact the Director of Religious Education, Sister Regina Rosarii McLallen, IHM, Director of Parish Religious Education Program (PREP).