The Disability Inclusion Committee is a thriving, voluntary ministry that supports the full immersion of parishioners with physical, intellectual, developmental, cognitive, sensory, and mental health conditions through accommodations and programs that provide access to the Mass and Sacraments; promote participation in parish activities; and support our priests, deacon and parish volunteers in serving people with disabilities at Saint James.
The Committee is conducting the online survey of parishioners below to learn more about the needs of people with disabilities and their families/caregivers in our parish. We will use the information we receive to establish or expand programs and accommodations to support them.
Please note all questions are optional. Only your name and email are required to help reduce automated spam responses. The results will be kept confidential and shared only among the Committee, Clergy, and Parish staff for purposes of designing programming and accommodations.
If you have any questions about the survey or committee, or if you prefer to discuss your situation with a committee member or parish staff member privately, please email [email protected].