Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School 2024

Vacation Bible School (VBS) returns to Saint James this summer from July 15-19, 2024! This year’s theme is Diving into Friendship with God.

The students will be divided into teams to rotate through crafts, bible adventures, all-star games, and exploring their faith. Students will end the week by attending Mass and will present a show for their parents of what they learned at VBS. For updates, look to our website, parish bulletin, and social media with updates as they become available.

Julie Marx, [email protected], is our VBS coordinator. Email her with any questions or if you are interested in volunteering.


Both adult and student volunteers are needed for Vacation Bible School.

STUDENT VOLUNTEERS-Rising 6th graders to rising 12th graders may sign up to volunteer for Saint James Vacation Bible School as the ‘VBS crew’. They must be able to work from 8:30am to 12:30pm the entire week. No exceptions. A $30 fee is required to cover the cost of snacks and t-shirt. Students may earn service hours for the week.

ADULT VOLUNTEERS-must complete a background check and Virtus training through the Arlington Diocese before the commencement of Vacation Bible School

  • If you have completed Virtus training, please check “Yes” on your application and include your birthdate and the last four digits of your social security number so that your training may be verified. 
  • If you haven’t completed Virtus training, please check “No” on your application and follow the instructions on the form. If you have not completed a background check through the Arlington Diocese, visit for more details. The Catholic Diocese of Arlington is dedicated to the protection of all children and will strive to maintain a safe environment for children and young people.

Registration and Payment

Registration opens on Thursday, April 25, 2024. Registration will end on Saturday, June 1, 2024.

Payment can be made via

  • Faith Direct-This is the preferred payment method.
    • You may make your one-time payment online as part of your registration.
  • Paypal
  • Check-Drop off or mail a check to the Rectory office at 905 Park Avenue, Falls Church, VA 22046.
    • The check must be made payable to ‘St. James Catholic Church’ with ‘VBS’ on the memo line.

Registration Fees:

  • Student Volunteers-$30 per student to cover snacks and t-shirt
  • VBS Campers-Rising kindergartener through 5th grade
    • $85 for 1 camper
    • $115 for 2 campers
    • $155 for 3 or more campers

Registration is not complete until payment is received.

VBS Memories from 2023

Saint James was finally able to offer VBS again in 2023. It was a big success with over 90 students signed up for the week.