Youth Ministry

The Saint James Catholic Church Youth Ministry Program strives to foster the life of the Spirit in the development of the human person by:

  • Assisting families in the responsibility of raising youth in the faith; 
  • Teaching youth to pray/encounter and;
  • Connecting youth with their peers practicing the faith

Follow us on social media for the latest news and reminders in addition to signing up for Flocknote below to receive email and text reminders as well!

For questions or to RSVP for an event, email Youth Ministry coordinator Amy Bigart, [email protected]. Adults needing a background check, click here to register.



Adult volunteers always needed. Visit to sign-up.

Adult volunteers always needed. Visit to sign-up.


All high school students are invited to be a part of the Diocesan WorkCamp, Saturday, June 21, through Friday, June 27, 2025, in Shenandoah County, Virginia.

Transportation and lodging (at a school) are provided. Registration opens December 2nd.  Diocesan Registration Deadline is February 14!

Parish Interest Form:

  • Please complete this form so we have your contact information for our records.

Stakeholder: Andy Newton and Speros Colevas

Youth Ministry Coordinator: Amy Bigart ([email protected]

Priest: Father John Paul Heisler ([email protected]

The cost for each teen (and adult leader) is $575 with a $50 deposit. Saint James will be advancing the $50 deposit. This group will be defraying the cost through fundraisers. Teens and parents participating in the fundraisers will have their costs reduced through funds collected. 

Monthly Meetings-There will be monthly meetings until June. Teens should attend as many as possible. Some meetings will be fundraisers, others will be for training and formation. 

Parents, we need parents to volunteer as adult crew leaders and for security shifts.


We had a wonderful college Christmas break event recently. Many of our parishioner college students home for break came to pray a holy hour together, followed by hot chocolate and cookies at Godfrey’s which the group used for many of their meetups last summer. We hope our college students have a great spring semester and are looking forward to seeing them in the summer!


Signup for Flocknote-Get the latest news and updates from Saint James Youth Ministry by signing up for Flocknote. You can receive email and text notices. Fill in the fields below and click ‘SIGN ME UP’.

If any adult can volunteer for middle school events, click here.


Youth Ministry Calendar – Get the latest news and updates via text and email by signing up for Flocknote above.

The Arlington Diocese prohibits the use of cell phones during youth ministry events.  We ask that students leave their cell phones at home or place them in the cell phone box at sign in.  Cell phones will be returned at the conclusion of the event. 

ADULT VOLUNTEERS – Youth Ministry needs adult volunteers for most activities who must be VIRTUS compliant and have completed a background check through the Arlington Diocese. Visit the Office of Child Protection website for more information on background checks, click here.

  • If any Virtus-approved adult can volunteer for middle school dodgeball games, click here.


First Friday Food Distribution-Community Outreach Opportunity-High School-We are seeking additional high school youth volunteers for our monthly Food Distribution.  This outreach initiative typically occurs on the First Friday of the month in Heller Hall.  Volunteer shifts begin in the afternoon and end by 7:00pm.  If you are interested, email Amy Steinbicker, [email protected]. We ask that volunteers officially sign up, rather than just show up on the night of Food Distribution.     


Check out our slide show below and see some of the many Youth Ministry events we have had.