We welcome all our parishioners to full participation in the Mass. To learn more about each ministry, scroll down or click on the following links.
- Altar Boys
- Collection Counters
- Eucharistic Ministers
- Readers (Adults & Youth)
- Music Ministry
- Sacristans
- Ushers
Those who wish to serve in any of the above ministries can contact the ministry lead from our Parish Ministry List (English and Spanish POCs).
Altar Boys
Boys in grades 4 through 11 are welcome to become altar servers. We invite you to enter the service of God at the altar and to join in this brotherhood of young men who assist the priests in bringing the power and glory of heaven to earth.
If you are interested in serving at the altar and joining in this sacred brotherhood, fill out the form via the red button. Below that is information on required altar server training in September 2024.
To register for the 2024-2025 program, click on the box below. You can download and fill out the form manually or edit the form online and email to Fr. Pavlick or drop off at the Rectory. If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Pavlick at [email protected] or call the Rectory 703-532-8815.
Altar Server Training Sessions-See the training session options below which will explain the basics of this wonderful mission in divine worship. Attendance at one of these training sessions is needed to begin or to continue serving as an altar server here at Saint James Church. All servers, new and returning, must attend one. Email Amy Bigart, [email protected], to RSVP.
- Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 5:00pm-5:45pm or 7:00pm-7:45pm
- Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 5:00pm-5:45pm or 7:00pm-7:45pm
Music Ministry

Every member of our parish is invited to participate in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist through the sung and spoken word. In this sense, each one of us is called to participate in music ministry. Just as it takes many small pieces of diverse glass to make up our beautiful stained-glass windows, so too does it take the voices of the entire assembly, priest and people, to make a beautiful offering of sung praise to our loving God.
There are people in our parish who have been blessed with particularly fine and even trained voices. The priests and musicians at Saint James invite you to consider devoting a little extra time each week by joining with those currently involved in the formal music ministry programs at St. James.
Participation in the choir offers many benefits. One becomes more attuned to the liturgy and the rhythms of the liturgical year. The Psalms and hymns become more familiar and can nurture one’s spiritual life. There is also great camaraderie in the choir.
Saint James currently has six Masses in English each weekend. Three of the Masses (5:00pm on Saturday, 9:00am and Noon) are celebrated with organ music and a cantor. Our adult choir sings at the 10:30am Mass. During the school year, the children’s choir often sings at the 9:00am Mass on feast days and for other special events.
The adult choir sings every Sunday for the 10:30 am Mass. The repertory for the 10:30 choir consists of a wide range of genres, from chanting to polyphony as well as traditional hymns.
The music for the Sunday 7:00 pm Mass offers contemporary. We welcome new vocalists and instrumentalists, especially those familiar with contemporary Christian music.
Join Our Music Ministry
To join a choir, contact the director of that group. If you are interested in becoming a cantor or joining the adult choir, talk with our Director of Music, Don Carolina, after any of the Sunday morning Masses, send an email, or call the rectory office at 703-532-8815 for more information.
Adult Choir
10:30am Mass
Rehearsals on Thursday evenings from 7:30pm to 9:00pm and from 9:50am to 10:20am on Sundays.
Contact: Don Carolina
703-532-8815 x225
Children’s Choir
9:00am Mass (as scheduled), feast days & special events
Rehearsals on Thursday evenings
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Contact Natalie Keffalas
703-533-1182 x133
Hispanic Choir
2:30pm Mass
José A. Monge, Director
[email protected]
Sunday Evening Choir
7:00pm Mass
Rehearsals at 6:00pm Sundays + monthly extended rehearsals
Contact Diana Banister

Sacristans serve our weekday and weekend Masses, Holy Days, funerals, and special Masses (weddings, First Communion, etc.). The Sacristan Ministry is a beautiful way for parishioners to engage more fully and personally in the celebration of the Mass and supports our priests and deacons in a meaningful way. Under the direction of our clergy, our sacristans are responsible for the overall preparation of the Mass and for the return of holy items used during the Mass to the Sacristy.
In addition, there are volunteers who make sure that the altar linens and vestments for both priests and altar boys are clean and in good repair.
Sacristans have the blessing of partaking in the Mass in a more personal way. We are always happy to have more people to help on an intermittent or regular basis. Training is provided if necessary.
For further information, please email Danielle Aguilar at [email protected].
St. James’ ushers facilitate the smooth functioning of church services. This includes greeting people entering the church, directing the disabled to pews in the front of the church, having a Eucharistic minister bring communion to someone who has difficulty making it to the altar, and directing people to seats in a crowded church and to the rest rooms. We arrange for those with gluten allergies to receive the Precious Blood or a low-gluten Host. We reserve pews for special occasions, have someone bring communion gifts to the altar, and take the collections. If someone falls ill or is injured, we see to their needs, and call an ambulance if necessary. The person’s name and phone number are obtained along with a contact person so that the office can check on their well-being. A heart defibrillator is available. After Mass, we distribute bulletins, and collect umbrellas, gloves, and items left in the pews.
We are here to serve. If you are interested in joining us, please call John Vrablik at 703-533-2135.