woman in black tank top standing beside woman in black and white sleeveless dress

Hospitality Ministry

The goal of the Hospitality Ministry is to make every Saint James parishioner feel welcome and part of our community. The ministry works hard to achieve this goal by hosting receptions for incoming and outgoing priests and sisters, arranging and hosting “thank you” parties for volunteers, hosting receptions after Confirmation, and much more. Whatever the need, we are ready to pull a social together.

We rarely have in-person meetings, conducting our business almost exclusively by email. You will find that we are a fun group to be a part of and that we genuinely enjoy serving the people of the parish.

If you are interested in joining our ministry and showing your support and appreciation for those in our parish, email Dawn Behrens at [email protected].

There are no strangers here, only friends you haven’t met yet.” William Butler Yeats