Clergy & Staff

The Saint James staff is happy to assist you! Whether you’ve been here a year or your entire life, we are committed to serving you, the people of Saint James.

Each of us is called to be a Gospel Witness; for many, this witness is shown outwardly by a religious vocation.

At Saint James, we are fortunate to have several priests and sisters who work daily to bring the joyful message of the Resurrection to all in our community. 

We can be found both in the Rectory at 905 Park Avenue and in the Parish House, which is right next door. Our Religious Education office is in the school at 830 W. Broad Street.

Scroll down to meet our clergy, IHM Sisters, and staff and find their contact information, or if you are looking for a specific group, click one of the following links.

You can download a printable current staff directory for future reference.


Parochial Vicar

Reverend John Paul Heisler

Parochial Vicar

Reverend Charles Pavlick

In Residence

Reverend Peter M McShurley, Bishop O’Connell High School Chaplain

In Residence

Reverend Raymond Emedo


Rectory Staff

The Saint James staff is happy to assist you! We can be found both in the Rectory and in the Parish House, which is right next door. Our Religious Education Office is in the school. Whether we’ve been here a year (or slightly longer), we are committed to serving you, the people of Saint James. 

Please download our printable current staff directory.


905 Park Avenue, Falls Church, Va. 22046
Phone: 703-532-8815Fax: 703-533-7644
[email protected]

Susan Ramsel, Assistant to the Pastor & Office Manager
Appointments with the pastor, funerals, weddings

Ginny Beauchamp, Records Manager
Sacramental records, baptisms, registrations, address changes and room reservations

Sonia Grebogi, Receptionist
Mass Intentions


Fr. John Paul Heisler – Youth Ministry

Fr. Charles Pavlick – Altar Servers

Amy Bigart, Youth Ministry Coordinator


913 Park Avenuenext door to the rectory (with the wooden ramp)

Rich Blickendorfer, Business Manager

Kara Rider, Accounting Specialist; Child Protection & Safety Coordinator

Kathleen Anderson, Director of Development 
703-532-8815 x223
Parish & School development support: Annual Appeal, Stewardship/Offertory Programs, Faith Direct, BLA, marketing, IRA/Stock Gifts, Endowed Scholarships, Planned Giving and other charitable gift options. 

Tina Doak, Communications Specialist
703-532-8815 x222

Parish communications including bulletin, parish website, church digital displays, and social media

Don Carolina, Director of Music
703-532-8815 x225


830 W. Broad Street, Falls Church, Va. 22046
Phone: 703-533-1182; Fax: 703-532-8316
Sister Kathryn Teresa Clemmer, IHM, Principal

703-533-1182 x104
Sister Regina Rosarii McLallen, IHM, Director