Click here to go to the Confessions schedule.
For livestreams, click here. The Sunday 10:30am (English) and 2:30pm (Spanish) Masses are livestreamed weekly on our website and Facebook page. We also livestream the 8:15am Mass on Holy Days of Obligation. Any other special Masses or events will be livestreamed on that page as well.
If someone in your family has a disability, physical or emotional, please know that Saint James supports the dignity of all human life regardless of age, physical, intellectual, or sensory abilities. To see our accommodations for persons with disabilities, click here.
For Holy Week, Monday, April 14, through Sunday, April 20, please check our Holy Week schedule for Mass times, confessions, and adoration.
Mass Schedule
- 5:00pm Vigil (Saturdays)
- 7:30am
- 9:00am
- 10:30am (Livestream)
- 12:00 noon
- 2:30pm (En Español) (Livestream)
- 7:00pm
- 6:30am
- 8:15am
- 12:00 noon
Federal Holidays
- 6:30am
- 8:15am
Saturday Mornings
- 8:30am
Holy Days of Obligation
The Holy Day of Obligation schedule may vary slightly (particularly on Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Year). We will note changes here when the schedule is different.
- No Vigil
- 6:30am
- 8:15am (This Mass will be livestreamed on Holy Days of Obligation)
- Noon
- 5:00pm
- 7:00pm
- 8:30pm (Spanish)
“Confessing to a priest is a way of putting my life into the hands and heart of someone else, someone who in that moment acts in the name of Jesus. It’s a way to be real and authentic: we face the facts by looking at another person and not in the mirror.” Pope Francis
Regular Confessions Schedule
- Wednesdays and Thursdays
- 7:00pm-8:00pm
- ends early at 6:30pm on Wednesdays, 1/29 and 2/5, due to First Penances
- If a Holy Day of Obligation falls on these days, confessions are suspended.
- 7:00pm-8:00pm
- Fridays
- 11:00am-11:45am
- Saturdays
- 3:30pm-4:30pm
- 6:30pm-7:30pm
The Sacrament of Reconciliation gives us the opportunity to express our sorrow for our sins and to become reconciled in our relationship with God. It provides spiritual healing as well as the grace to do the work necessary to mend relationships that have been damaged by our sins. It helps us to forgive; for once we are forgiven, we can forgive others more easily. It strengthens our resolve to resist sinful patterns in our lives.