Eucharistic Adoration

Especially in these challenging times, we want to encourage people to come to our Eucharistic Lord both for consolation and to intercede with Him for the world. Saint James offers weekly as well as monthly Eucharistic Adoration. See the various days and times below.

The exposition of Jesus in the monstrance leaves Christ vulnerable and must be properly always attended. Since He is exposed out of love for us, it is our duty to make sure He is protected. For that reason, at least one person must be in the church while He is exposed. 

We have one-hour openings for Adorations for those that are partial and overnight. If parishioners can give at least one hour of their time to spend during any of our Adorations, please email Julie Marx, [email protected]. Thank you.

Spend some quiet time with our Lord. Scroll down to the bottom to see schedule changes for Adoration.

Below is the Adoration schedule:

For Holy Week, Monday, April 14, through Sunday, April 20, please check our Holy Week schedule for Mass times, confessions, and adoration.

  • Wednesdays and Thursdays
    • 12:30pm-8:00pm (Benediction)
    • If you would like to sign-up for a time slot, please email Julie Marx at [email protected]
    • If a Holy Day of Obligation falls on one of these days, Adoration is suspended due to the Mass schedule.
  • First Friday Exposition and Benediction (after the 8:15am Mass)
    • 9:00am-12:00pm
  • First Friday All-Night Adoration
  • Holy Hours
    • Sundays: 5:00pm
      • We have restored praying of Vespers during the 5:00pm Holy Hour. Books will be provided!
    • Third Thursdays: 7:00pm