This page lists the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Sanctuary Restoration & Renewal Project. As we near the beginning of the project, and even during the project, additional questions will arise, which we will address.
If you have a question that is not listed on this page, email Kathleen Anderson at [email protected].
Yes, we had hoped to have our pews refinished. However, in looking into that project, we discerned that the cost (much more than anticipated) and the inconvenience were not something we want to incur at this time.
Yes, they will be renovated! As mentioned in last week’s bulletin, we are awaiting contractor bids for the project. The work should begin in January. Unfortunately, it will inconvenience us a little bit…or more than a little. First, the bathrooms will be out of commission during the work. That will require some careful planning on the part of parents! Second, given all the noise and the work schedule, we will have to move the weekday Noon Mass to Monsignor Heller Hall during that time.
The contractor is confident that we can continue to have most Masses in the church during the project. However, so that the workers can continue throughout the day, we will have to move the weekday Noon Mass to Monsignor Heller Hall.
Both projects – the renovation of the bathrooms and the restoration/renewal of the sanctuary – will impact our afternoon Eucharistic Adoration times. The noise made by the workers and the access they need to the church will not fit in well with peaceful, quiet prayer!
The project will not impact Baptisms or Confession. No weddings will be scheduled during the restoration.
The sanctuary gates signify holiness and were a part of the original design. They will be open during Mass and closed after Mass is over.
The new baptismal area will take the space now occupied by the piano. I’m working with the musicians that use the piano to find a suitable alternative so that they can continue their program. It’s not clear right now what that will look like, as much will depend on their needs and what the space will be once the work is completed.
This project is scheduled to begin at the end of January 2023 and be completed by March 2023. We ask for your patience and prayers during this time. Updates will be shared via our bulletin, here on the website, via email, and on social media.