“Whoever sows sparingly will reap sparingly and whoever sows bountifully will reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:6-7
There are many ways your stewardship can make a difference!
Saint James Catholic Church is pleased to offer Faith Direct as a tool for eGiving. It allows your donation to safely and securely reach us on a consistent basis. This is most helpful to us in managing our annual budget.
- New users can enroll here.
- Returning users can review and update their giving options by logging into their account here.
- To donate to the 2025 Bishop’s Lenten Appeal, click here.
To make your offering via check, please mail your gift to the Saint James Rectory Office. You can also secure weekly envelopes from the front office when you register with the parish.
To donate to our award-winning school, learn about options here
From the time of its founding in 1892, Saint James Catholic Church has always attended to the needs of the poor and suffering. Our Social Outreach Committee puts into action the Corporal Works of Mercy through food and clothing donations, monthly food distribution, and yearly collection of Lenten and Advent gift cards. You can make a one-time or monthly gift.
One-time gift https://membership.faithdirect.net/givenow/VA50/22647
Monthly gift https://membership.faithdirect.net/givenow/VA50/22646
There are many ways that you can give to our parish and school. Some parishioners chose to give via a yearly IRA distribution, others chose to give via a stock or mutual fund distribution, some set up an endowed scholarship in a loved one’s name and finally, others chose to include our parish or school in their Will or Trust. For more information, please contact Kathleen Anderson, Director of Development for Saint James Parish and School at (703) 532-8815 ext 223 or email her at [email protected]
Our maintenance fund covers the expenses and repairs associated with our historic church. We take up a collection four times a year: Jan, Feb, Sept and Nov. To donate, click here:
Also, please remember that the gift of stewardship is not just about “treasure” but also about “time and talent.” Please consider joining one of our many parish groups in order to serve Our Lord with your special gifts! Learn about our many volunteer opportunities that can be found under our SERVICE & FELLOWSHIP menu.