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Hope at Death
Joseph’s Lessons on Hope: To Die
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Dear Friends in Christ,
The virtue of hope is always important, but at no point more than at the hour of our death. When we leave this world for the next, we need more than ever that confidence in God’s promise of mercy. Such hope brings peace to the soul even amid the suffering that often precedes the final moment. Thus our frequent prayer for Mary’s intercession now and at the hour of our death.
Indeed, it’s the lack of hope that fuels the current “right to die” movement. Without hope, people take matters into their own hands – and take their own lives. Without hope, we cannot endure suffering and we reach for extreme solutions.
Saint Joseph died in the presence of Jesus and Mary. He was the first to know the peace of dying in the presence of the Redeemer. For that reason, he is called – according to one of those odd Catholic phrases – the “Patron of a Happy Death.” His hope enabled him to surrender himself and trust in God as he left this world.
Now, we Catholics define “happy death” differently than the world. For the world, happiness always means on my own terms. For Catholics, happiness is when we die reconciled to God, at peace with others, and with the Sacraments of the Church.
So, some practicals in light of this…
1. Pray to Joseph for a happy death. That’s not macabre or weird. It’s just reasonable and sane to ask him for that grace. Ask him to obtain for you the grace that he first enjoyed, to die in the arms of Jesus and Mary.
2. Call for a priest when a loved one is dying. Don’t wait until the person has died to call. When all earthly hope disappears and the doctors can do no more, then the priest enters, bringing reconciliation, peace, and eternity with him.
3. Pray to Joseph for your loved one who doesn’t want to see a priest… Because there’s nothing worse than dying impenitent.
The Bishop’s Lenten Appeal… Thank you to all those who have already contributed. Please take some time to reflect on your sacrificial offering to this important initiative. Visit our parish website for more information on how to donate.
The Saint James Gabriel Project has been assisting a young family as they prepare for the arrival of their first child next week. They are new to Virginia and to our Hispanic community. They’re renting a room in an apartment in the area. We have been able to get some items elsewhere, but they would greatly appreciate any help with purchasing items on this Amazon registry. Any questions or concerns, please call Anne at 301-633-6315
Virginia Pro-Life Advocacy Day…Join the Saint James Pro-Life group for a full day of pro-life advocacy at Virginia’s March for Life in Richmond on Wednesday, April 2nd. Go here for more information and to sign up for the bus.
Lenten Almsgiving for Those in Need-During the Lenten season, the Social Outreach Committee (SOC) asks parishioners to contribute to a fund to assist families in our area struggling financially rent, utility bills, and similar fixed expenses. Go here for more information and to donate.
O’Demographic humor
Ireland’s capital is experiencing an amazing increase in population. In fact, it’s Dublin.
Through the intercession of our Lady and Saint James, may the Lord bless and keep you.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Scalia