“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
The second collection on October 5-6 will benefit Porto Charities, a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing access to diocesan Catholic schools for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Our schools need financial support to provide the additional resources to support these students, and all of your donation this weekend will help them create or expand their inclusion programs for the coming year. Since 2009, Porto Charities has given more than $1.2 million in grants to all four of our Catholic high schools and more than fifteen elementary schools including our parish school. By supporting Porto Charities, you are enabling our diocese to continue to serve those who want and deserve the tremendous benefit of a Catholic education.
To donate online via Faith Direct, visit membership.faithdirect.net/givenow/VA50/44791 or scan the QR code below.